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Welcome: Dr Fisher

Approval of Minutes: January minutes Follow up items:

Calendar review/ upcoming seminars –  Erin Axson  (Executive Director)

  • March 10th – 11th:         Spring Conference– U of U Marriot.
  • Friday 4 pm district leader meeting, 5-8 pm. Saturday 8 am – 5 pm
  • April 25th – 26th:            Ty Talcott HIPPA Seminar possibility
  • May 12th:                      Sleep seminar hosted by David Nish
  • May 5th:                        UCPA Golf Tournament Location River Oaks Golf Course.
  • Sept 22nd – 23rd           Fall Convention
  • Grand Building at the Utah State Fair Grounds

Break into Committees for 10 min, set at least one goal.

Reports From District Leaders: 1-10

1. Brett Murdock
2. Burke Larson
3. Sean Smith
4. Bradley Peterson
5. Suzanne Cronin
6. Tom Anderson
7. Matthew Roller
8. David Miranda
9. TJ Phelps
10. Justin Biggs

Reports from Committees:

1. Legal/legislative: Insurance Equal Pay, Lein Law etc ( Elizabeth Draney, Eric Harrison, Tom Anderson)
2. Membership: – Improve membership list benefits (Spencer Erickson, Burke Larson, Sean Smith)
3. Conventions, Seminars, Speakers (Matt Roller, David Miranda, Justin Biggs)
4. Vetting and Supporting Sponsors (Jay Anderson, Suzanne Cronin, TJ Phelps)
5. Marketing (Brett Murdock, Matthew Roller, Tom Fullmer)

Report from DOPL members: Dr Stitcher & Dr Stucky

Financial Report: Spencer Erickson

1. Changing banks MACU
2. Bills to pay – motion
3. Balances in all accounts – including PAC
Executive Director: Erin Axson
1. Recap on legislative breakfast (Judd Gines and Speaker Wilson)
2. update on social media, banners, tshirts and jackets
3. update on texting
4. update on vendors

Legal Council: Jeff Metler

Pres. New Business: Steve Fisher

1. All board members read UCPA Mission statement…
2. Everyone read DL & At Large duties
3. 3 potential goals for UCPA board members

New business from other board members:

Next meeting date and time: April 18 2023; 7:30pm