$ 75,000
More Information
BridgeTower Chiropractic for Sale Immediately
Located in Meridian, Idaho
Central to the Treasure Valley
We have had our office in this location since December 2006. There has been a lot of residential growth in the area during that time especially recently
Our office is 1,000 square feet with 3 rooms and one large area. We use the large area for adjusting with the ProAdjuster. We currently have one of the smaller rooms rented bringing in additional income. Looking to rent another room soon.
Our office averages $12,000 a month.
We are a ProAdjuster Office-- non-manual adjusting
(Currently the only one in the Treasure Valley)
Average 60 patients in a 4-day week
Low overhead
3,000 patient records available
If interested, please call or text Debbie at 208-846-8898.
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